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About us

We are a full-service real estate agency and are active in Central and South Limburg. You can contact us for sale and rental of residential real estate. We also manage apartment complexes and residential real estate for private investors.

My house shows, who I am

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Creation ‘mijn huis en ik’ by Daniëlle Damman:

 'After almost 10 years of experience as a manager at the IKEA store, I made the transition to self-employment. Together with my husband, we have grown a convenience store franchise chain to 168 stores in the Netherlands.
After selling it I completed the training as a real estate broker and in January 2010 I founded the estate agency 'MIJN HUIS EN IK'. Now there is a team of brokers, (technical) managers and administrative staff. We hope to be of service to you for a very long time.'

Our team

Nick Suppers

Makelaar en VvE-beheerder

Nick Suppers

Ruth Arets

Real estate agent

Ruth Arets

Saskia Pekelharing

Financial and management

Saskia Pekelharing

Ben van Alphen

Estate agent

Ben van Alphen

Franca Galli

Binnendienst VvE beheer

Franca Galli

Florin Popescu


Florin Popescu

Kaya Simons


Kaya Simons

Do you want to meet?

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